Audit Service
Vk Global Business Solutions and Consulting’ s Audit service is designed to meet the needs of owner managed businesses. Our hands-on, pro-active approach allows the Audit process to be completed as efficiently as possible.
Our comprehensive and innovative Audit services are supported with a wealth of sound commercial advice, to keep your development and sustainability on track, as well as enhance and support your business decisions.
How to choose the right Auditor?
Choosing the right auditor means working with auditors who you feel comfortable with, have a genuine understanding of your business, and can complement your team. A personal approach is amongst the key factors in making the right choice.
Auditors are giving their opinion on your financial statements, whether they are true and fair and not misleading. A ‘clean’ audit report is a clean health check on your business.
An audit may be required because the law says so, called a statutory audit, or maybe an investor or lender requires an audit.
A clean audit report is a great tool for companies that rely on funding, when applying for bank loans, to give investors comfort, to improve trust with suppliers and customers, and improve the credit rating of your business.
Our audit work is tailored to your business and this way we reduce the amount of unnecessary work to get the job completed, we are not just concerned about numbers, we add value, not complications.
We also have specialist teams that you can reach out to for advice in tax, VAT, strategic advisory, or assistance with fundraising.
So, if you need assistance, please get in touch.